2014 2Q Review

Wow, what a quarter! I had several quilt finishes and a couple of “almosts.” And besides all that, I’ve had opportunities for some other great quilty stuff! First up, the quilts:

My Harlequin Medallion

My Harlequin Medallion. 55″ x 50″. Finished April 2014.

Genes and A Cute Top

Genes and A Cute Top. 45″ x 60″. Finished May 2014.

Back of quilt. Label is tipped green square in lower left.

Triangles Table Runner

Triangles Table Runner. 32″ x 14″. Finished May 2014.


XOXO. 48″ square. Finished June 2014.

Bright Idea

Bright Idea. 60″ square. Finished June 2014.

Bird On Point

Bird On Point. 63″ square. Finished June 2014.

Round Robin Mini Medallion

Round Robin Mini-Medallion. 14″ square. Needs binding and label.

Mini Medallion Take 2

Mini Medallion with changed corners. 15.5″ square. Needs quilting finished, binding, label.

And what else have I been up to? Well, I added the page tab for free designs. If you look there, you can find designs for 3 quilts, and design ideas for 17 different ways to set economy blocks. Keep checking back as I’ll add more over time.

In early April I gave a presentation on the Underground Railroad Quilt Code. And in late April I began teaching a five-week class called Medallion Improv! I can’t tell you how much fun that was, helping five experienced quilters discover strategies to design their own medallions, as unique as they are.

Besides joining BlogLovin’, I added a Facebook page, to make it easier for you to find me and to comment. Like the page in Facebook to join the fun.

If I think about what was the best part of the quarter, I can’t name one. Instead, my favorite aspect has been trying new things. My “word for the year” is EXPERIMENT. In trying to fulfill the promise of that, I keep pushing a little farther, not striving, but exploring. What would happen if… ? I love finding out. Thanks for joining me on this journey of discovery. ❤

What have you been up to?

6 thoughts on “2014 2Q Review

  1. Thread crazy

    Looks like you were busy busy. At least you’ve decided to keep some things for yourself. All of mine has been given away; in fact I don’t even have a quilt for myself – hubby does but not me. So guess I should start keeping some for us also. Great work.!.

  2. KerryCan

    Ugh–my cat just stepped on my keyboard and erased my comment to you! It had to do with how amazingly productive you’ve been and how I like seeing all the projects in one place. What do you do with all of these items when they’re done?!

    1. Melanie in IA Post author

      Oh, kitty! It’s a good question about what to do with all of these things. Until middle of last year I gave away almost everything I made. Since then I’ve kept almost everything, for various reasons. One reason is all my relatives already have at least one quilt from me! Another is my “output” has gone up quite a bit, so inventory is building up. And another is I am writing a book on medallions and am keeping things until after I know how that will go. After that I expect a frenzy of giving them away!


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