
Here are a few tutorials, tips, and patterns from me.

Do You Chain Piece?
Efficiently stitching fabric pieces together, including a comment on leaders and enders.

Tip: Pieced Batting
Join batting remnants to use up smaller pieces.

Tip: Turn It Over
You own both sides of the fabric. Sometimes it’s better to turn it over for color or visibility.

Tip: Hiding Spots with Markers
Permanent fabric markers are a great tool in your studio.

Fraction Conversions
Need help converting from decimals to fractions?

Economy Block ANY Size (With Cheat Sheet!)
My most viewed post, a tutorial on making this versatile block.

How to Set a Block On Point
Tutorial on setting center blocks any size on point. It makes the math easy.

A Stitch in Time
Some history of machine stitching and how your sewing machine works.

Christmas Stockings
Tutorial on making a quilted stocking.

I Always Wanted Longer Legs
Need to increase the height of your cutting table? Here’s how.

Your machine can tell you a lot if you listen to it.

Accurate 1/4″ Seams
A lot of tips to improve your stitching accuracy.

Be Prepared
A few tips on getting ready to make quilts, plus some thoughts on preparing for tragedies.

Design Process — Border Size Problems and Solutions
Comprehensive look at medallion border problems, including size of units for the next border, trimming, and adding spacer/framing borders.

Make a Block with Me
An easy and elegant block I designed, with full instructions and photos.

Straight or On-Point Setting?
Why would you choose one setting instead of the other? Here are some reasons.

Tutorial: Fast Backs
A popular post on making quilt backs quickly from one long piece of fabric.

Tutorial: Straight-Grain Binding
Comprehensive reviews of techniques for classic binding.

Links to terrific tutorials on other websites
How to Join Binding Ends by McCall’s

Magic Binding

The Hexacabin tutorial from MelintheAttic

8 at Once Half Square Triangles!

52 Tutorials from Martingale/That Patchwork Place

Four Flying Geese with no waste from Connecting Threads

Piecing 101: Accurate Cutting