Fourth Quarter Goals

I love goals. I love lists. Lists of goals are … GOLDEN!! Whether we call them New Year’s resolutions or bucket lists or to-do lists or even honey-do lists, it’s satisfying to look at a list and cross things off as achieved. (It’s also satisfying to me to cross things off as no longer a priority.)

One of the blogs I follow, drowning in fabric, gives both a month-end review and a list for the new month. You can see October’s list here. I love that she includes both crafting and life objectives.

While it can be frustrating to work hard, day after day, and feel like there’s not much to show for the effort, there is value in the effort. And so we keep on, don’t we? One day after the next, we keep moving forward, doing what we can to slow entropy, to make the world a better place, even if only for our own little pocket of it.

On July 28, a little more than two months ago, I published UFOs. And yesterday I posted my Third Quarter Quilt Round-Up, detailing how I spent my summer vacation.

But because I love lists of goals, here’s an update:

Quilting (textile) projects including UFOs
1) My Medallion Quilt: attach label
2) Round robin Triangles quilt: attach label
3) Mexican embroidery quilt: quilt it, bind it, label it
4) Placemats: attach binding
5) Crayon blocks from Outer Banks 2009: divide them into 3 or 4 sets, sash, quilt, etc.
6) 6-pointed star: assemble points and decide on a setting
7) John Deere project with granddaughter
8) And OH YEAH a boat-load of Medallion Sew-Along samples!

Quilt writing/blog projects
1) Continue regular blog posts
2) Continue Medallion Sew-Along
3) Continue/get more serious writing book on medallions
4) Finish writing book proposal

Non-quilt writing/blog projects
1) Finish the food pantry site update
2) Contemporary novel
3) Historical novel
4) Blog posts on various issues, especially on food security/hunger concerns

As to personal goals, I have a few of them, also. My birthday is this month. Each year seems to bring more physical weirdnesses. To stave them off as long as possible, I keep trying to focus on strength and stamina by walking regularly with Jim, using weights and the elliptical, and doing my shifts at the food pantry. We pay attention to what we eat, though that gets derailed for a meal or a day at a time. (pssst… hot dogs aren’t good for you…)

And I need to pay attention to relationships with family and friends, being aware of who is real and important in my life. It is too easy to get side-tracked there.

There are always things to work on, and I have so much in my life. I am incredibly blessed.

Thank you for stopping by. If you’re a regular here or this is your first time, I appreciate that you’ve taken the time. I wish you the blessings of plenty, too.

6 thoughts on “Fourth Quarter Goals

  1. pamelajeannestudio

    I make lists too, but I am not good at the follow up. Maybe that’s why I don’t feel like I accomplish anything and am always behind. I think I need to get more specific like your goals are and break things down into smaller chunks. Thanks for the kick in the pants.

    1. Melanie in IA Post author

      Oh my! Your month-long challenge was in essence a 30-part list. You followed through great! But yes, you did it by breaking into small chunks, so maybe that’s how you make things work.

      Thanks for reading and commenting. Always good to see you.

  2. Thread crazy

    My my but you also have a list of things you are doing. I too have a long of projects list but sometimes just a wee bit reserved to write it all down! Then I actually have to work on them! HA!! Looking forward to what life has to offer each day and enjoying family, friends and my new blog friends!

    1. Melanie in IA Post author

      Yes, writing it all down means you have to face it. But it also means you don’t miss important things, like making that insurance payment… (Okay, I’ve been paying bills for more than 30 years. I think I’ve missed two payments that whole time!)

      Thanks for stopping by this morning.


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