The Future of Quilting, Part 2

I’m overwhelmed by what wonderful comments were contributed to my Part 1 post. Based on those responses, quilting is alive and well, at least with those who read here. (If you’d like to chime in, please do. I think we’ve all had fun reading these.) 

Quilting is a living craft, with a long history dating to ancient Egypt, and a long future stretching out far beyond our imagination. Like many crafts, especially those primarily engaged for self-expression, quilting’s popularity ebbs and flows. Influences include other parts of popular culture, resources available (including time,) and alternative means of self-expression. Only after printed fabric became readily and economically available in the early 1800s did quilting blossom as a pastime in the US. Prior to that, it was a rich woman’s hobby to create decorative objects, not primarily a means to create warm bed coverings, or to use up scraps.

Quilting’s current popularity has been, on average, growing since the 1970s. The ’60s ecology movement and the US bicentennial in 1976 helped spur interest that had waned throughout the middle of the century. From double-knits (who quilted with these?) to cotton-poly blends to twee calicoes to today’s wide variety of colors and prints, the options expanded. In 1979 the first rotary cutter was introduced, and gradually acceptance was granted for machine stitching, and even machine-quilting!

Today we live in a sweet spot for quilting. What other options could there be for cutting or stitching or quilting than those already available? These tasks can be done by machine or by hand, with sophisticated tools or those used for centuries. Either way, it is still a matter of layering three materials and stitching through them. What new could be done to attract more to the hobby?

in the last post I mentioned a couple of events that set me thinking about this subject. The first was the announcement last week of the demise of Quilters Newsletter. It will cease publication after the October issue. The magazine, around for 47 years, was a big part of the bicentennial revival of quilting. QN is known for its wide-ranging look at the quilting field, including interviews and reviews, information on shows, reader submissions, historical features, and patterns. I list patterns last because it is not a pattern magazine, unlike most others out there. In fact, it is the third magazine to shutter recently that didn’t focus on patterns. (There may be more — list them if you think of others.) The Quilt Life, featuring Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims, ceased publication in 2014. Quilter’s Home, published by the same company as Quilters Newsletter, ended in 2011.

When Quilter’s Home announced its closure, the editor’s blog said, “Effective with the August/September issue, Quilter’s Home will cease publication. Why? It seems more of you are turning to the web for quilting lifestyle information rather than the newsstand.” The internet killed the magazine.

The cause of Quilters Newsletter‘s closure wasn’t announced, though it apparently was accompanied by a series of layoffs by the parent company. In her post about it, Abby Glassenberg of While She Naps added more in comments:

In talking with several magazine publishers this week I’ve come to learn that it often isn’t subscriptions that keep a magazine afloat, it’s advertisers. It seems that the big companies that used to pay for print ads in sewing magazines (the sewing machine companies, fabric, thread, and notions companies) are now allocating their ad dollars differently (paying for Facebook ads, paying for Google search) and are reaching their audience directly through social media. Without their ad dollars it’s very difficult for magazines to stay afloat.

It might be that the future of publishing and the future of quilting are unrelated, but I don’t think so. Magazine publishers depend on advertisers; advertisers must find the viewers/readers/clicks where they can, and apparently it isn’t on the printed page. Or if it is, it must be on the pages of pattern magazines, which seem created simply to sell us lines of fabric.

What do we, as quilters, want from quilting periodicals? And why do we want it? Do you want your quilting magazines on paper or online, or both? Do you want to find both articles and patterns? Do you want articles focused on technique, or on personalities within the industry, or on industry trends, or on … what? Please feel free to comment below.

The other event that spurred my questions about the future of quilting was my local 4-H county fair. (4-H is a US organization for kids. It is delivered by university extension services to every county and parish in the country.) On Sunday I volunteered to judge this year’s quilt projects for my local guild. Though the fair has separate judging, my guild also reviews the entries and provides a prize for each of the three age groups. It is intended as motivation to continue in the craft. This was my fourth time judging and had the fewest entries by far. The intermediate age group (I think 7th – 9th grade) had only one entry, while the junior and senior categories had four each.

Who teaches kids to quilt? And how can we get more of them excited about trying? Are there ways to engage young adults?

I do not worry about quilting’s death. Barring catastrophe (widespread cotton blight, world war, worldwide economic depression…) I believe quilting will continue. As noted above, the popularity will ebb and flow over time for numerous reasons. But the craft and the industry continue to change through time. Individually most of us have little to no impact on either. Collectively there may be more impact. It might be fun to take a look at trends in quilting next…

What do you think about the health of quilting as a craft, and as an industry? I’d love to hear your comments below. 

52 thoughts on “The Future of Quilting, Part 2

  1. 1quilter

    Changes in how we see our world and what we learn has definitely changed to a more rapid response from social media. I’m guilty too.
    Many years ago I worked for a newspaper circulation department and my Mother worked in and sold advertising. So different from that time. Possibly because of that experience, I find I like hands on copy and online media. Magazines, books, periodicals, etc. I often pull out to use as a reference for information I require. For quick research and tutorials I use the Internet. Both are important for our growth.
    I have taught all my children and grandchildren how to quilt along with many other things I don’t want to see disappear. I’m a member of a large quilting guild as well as a group at my Church. We teach and inspire each other. Last year I taught free classes at my daughter’s Church for a month to keep our craft active with new participatants. They are now actively sewing quilts, bags, etc. We all need to cherish our craft, even as our information resources change as quickly as techniques and technology.

  2. annwalsh2015 Walsh

    I think that the preference of hard copy magazines or online resources is much like the different styles of shopping for fabric. My mother, for example, has always been a fabric stashed, picking up what she calls blenders in various colors, fat quarters here and half yards there because she likes them. She loves to peruse magazines and books. I, on the other hand, prefer to buy the fabric I need for a project, go home and make it and hopefully have only a few scraps leftover (best is none at all!) because I tire quickly of looking at the same stuff for too long. The internet is my go-to for ideas and I only look through magazines when they are passed down to me; I flip through them, tear out the ideas I want to keep and pass them on again. I’m not sure if it is a generational thing (as in younger people more used to the internet are less likely to look for a book of quilt ideas) or just a personal style thing. As an aside, I just broke down and subscribed to Quilter’s Newsletter to check it out and then heard it was being taken away soon!

    1. Melanie McNeil Post author

      OH! Sorry about your bad timing on the magazine! I had considered subscribing, too, but now am glad I didn’t. As to whether it is a generational thing or not, I’m sure that’s part of it, but I’m not sure the internet is fully to blame. Even when I began quilting about 13 years ago, books all recommended developing an inventory of fabrics, as you would develop a palette of paint. So the blenders, etc, that your mom collects are exactly that, her paint set to give her options for color as needed. Also I think scrappy quilts, using dozens of different fabrics, were encouraged more for my generation (and older) than they are. “Modern” quilts tend to have a flatter color scheme with much less variety.

  3. Pingback: A thoughtful week in the quilt blogging world ends in smiles |

  4. Jan Mc

    A few years ago with fierce determination I decided to teach myself to make quilts.
    Throwing myself in at the deep end the first quilt I made was 84″ x 90″.
    I made it from an excellent tutorial I found on the web. I “straight line” quilted it
    and put the binding on with help from youtube.
    . I’m on the wrong side of fifty but I can still, hopefully, continue to see myself quilting 5,years from now.
    I had a bad experience with a quilt group which left me totally disillusioned.
    Here’s what happened, I saw an notice by a guild looking for members and even though
    it was a several miles from where I live I decided to attend, to say, I was made to feel unwelcome is an understatement. Undaunted I went back for a second meeting and
    this time not alone was I made to feel like an intruder but my choice of fabric was insulted. When I got home I packed up a lot of my fabric and sent it to a charity.
    If my experience is similar to what goes on in other guilds quilting will become
    a lost art.
    I’m not interested in making quilts from “designer fabric ” lines nor do I like quilts
    which uses a lot of white. Quilting is not a cheap hobby but knowing the beneficial
    effects from the creative process is priceless.
    I enjoyed reading this topic and the comments.
    To quote Mr Oscar Wilde.
    “Nowadays some people know the price of everything but the value of nothing

    1. Melanie McNeil Post author

      I’m so sorry you had that guild experience. I’ve heard of guilds that are very cliquish and unwelcoming, but my own is not like that. We are always pleased for new members and encourage them to get involved. I’ve rarely heard any insults, certainly not publicly or to the person whose work was being shown! That is too bad.

      As to teaching yourself how to quilt, yes, my first several quilts were without help or guidance from anyone else, other than a magazine or two I used for inspiration. I never did learn to read patterns (!!!) so they weren’t helpful to me that way. Finally I had a couple of books that were great resources and I found a few things online that helped. NOW it is relatively easy to find such help, and what a wonderful change that is!!

      THanks so much for joining in with your comments today.

  5. allisonreidnem

    Thanks for keeping us all thinking and communicating as you introduce such interesting topics Melanie. I think the best thing we can do for children is give them the basic skills – how to use a sewing machine, follow a simple pattern – and then let them discover their creative passions as they grow older and they meet the right circumstances and opportunities. After all, I guess that’s the course most of us followed? Here in the UK there seem to be a huge number of patchwork and quilting magazines available – many from USA and Australia. Some come and go pretty quickly (I know friends who have taken out subscriptions only for the magazine to fold). I hardly ever buy magazines now, they are expensive (half the price of a book), the patterns are not always well written or reliable and I’m at the stage where I’m more likely to adapt or design my own patterns anyway. I’m more inspired by and learn more from fellow bloggers, You Tube tutorials and attending workshops. I think patchwork designers who are willing to travel and hold workshops will survive the decline in circulation of magazines, although they probably gain from having their profile present in magazines.

    1. Neame

      Makes me wonder if there is a publication (print or online) that provides a vehicle for designers to publish their willingness to hold workshops. Where do the guild presidents go to identify willing speakers/workshop teachers?

      1. allisonreidnem

        I guess they could check out each others programmes! I think programme secretary is probably the most pressured role in any guild! I know programme secs do introduce themselves to designers at quilt shows in the hope of securing them for a talk or workshop.

      2. Melanie McNeil Post author

        In the US I don’t think there is any listing or clearing house for speakers. In my guild the program committee has several people who are charged with lining up presentations for the next two years. They search people out based on workshops or classes taken, blogs noticed, pieces at shows, new books, etc. We primarily look at people within “driving distance” because the expense of travel can easily exceed the cost of the presentation or workshop itself. However we do try to get at least one bigger name each year, also.

  6. weddingdressblue

    Just one thought, even with CATASTROPHE it would be quite a while before quilters ran out of fabric. Just saying. 🙂

    ps–Please don’t think this is disrespectful of your thoughtful post. The idea just made me smile.

    1. Melanie McNeil Post author

      No disrespect considered! You are completely right on that point! My imagination took me to Civil War times, when fabric was scarce and needles unavailable. That would be a catastrophe.

  7. Neame

    Absolutely, magazines and websites have the right to make money. I was making an attempt to point out that a money-making vehicle was done in when the focus turned away entirely from the customer. And the buyers of QN short-sightedly attempted to maximize profit which resulted in lost customers.

    1. Melanie McNeil Post author

      I agree completely — for any organization, once profit becomes the primary motive, rather than a result of doing the right thing, the organization is at risk. (And yes, for anyone who didn’t see our earlier conversation, I’m in favor of profits!)

  8. Neame

    QN was the first quilt magazine I encountered back in the 70’s when I got interested in quilting and I subscribed off and on right up until it was sold. The new owners did not have the same vision and so much of what I loved QN for just disappeared. So I did too. When I heard QN was to be discontinued I looked at my old issues of the magazine (yes, I saved them all) and was again reminded of what I loved. Their view of quilting was universal, knew no class, was lovingly quirky at times, and vastly interesting. There were new ideas, new people, ordinary people, and real news in every issue. I liked seeing what quilts won at shows for they provided inspiration-and QN always attributed all photos. The scandal of the sale by a museum of heritage quilt patterns to a Chinese outfit for cheap reproduction was reported – in QN and no-where else. No magazine I’ve seen recently even approaches this quality, not even Quiltmania (though there is lots to like about QM, except the price). So the report by another commentator that the publishers must serve the needs of the advertisers really hit home. When QN started the publisher was two people in a kitchen with an enthusiasm. They served their audience with the notion that advertisers would see a good thing and join in. Now QN is merely a vehicle for making money with little real value to me (and maybe the average quilter?). Well, that’s my rant for the day. Thanks for providing a forum.
    By the way, I love the internet and bloggers. I avoid sites where advertising is the real reason for existence for no other reason than they slow up my internet access rate. Otherwise, fabulous means of exchanging quilty information.
    Will it continue? Yes. If history is an indicator, it will be around forever.

    1. Melanie McNeil Post author

      I agree on all counts. The internet is a great facilitator for exchange, both monetized and not. I also avoid sites that are ad-based. I am a capitalist and I believe it’s the bloggers/publishers right to use the site to make money, and as long as their is no fraud or other crime, have at it! But I have the right to go elsewhere and do almost always. If I want to buy, I CAN find venues to do that. 🙂

      And likewise, if a site or company finds they can no longer be profitable, like QN’s parent company, then it’s time to shut it down or find another way. We as consumers who still want that product then also need to find our way, as you did when you quit subscribing. Thanks for the comments.

  9. Amanda G

    I’m not sure if it is because I have found people who now quilt, or because of the modern movement, or maybe because the economy is returning, but I now know so many people who quilt and feel like it is bigger than it was 10 years ago.

    1. Melanie McNeil Post author

      I do think it is bigger than 10 years ago. When I made my 2nd quilt in 2005, there were so few resources available, and especially so little online. I think that the ease of finding those things — both information and supplies — has made it more popular.

  10. Pingback: Creating… – tierneycreates

  11. snarkyquilter

    For me, the major advantage of print over electronic publications is you can actually own print. The electronic stuff exists at the pleasure of the lords of the internet. Also, I find it easier to take a print magazine to the bathroom with me. That said, quilting information online is so much wider and deeper than anything a magazine can offer. I know adults who taught themselves to quilt from videos. Jenny Doan is their mentor.

    Speaking of the contraction of quilting publications, I read that AQS plans to stop publishing books. So quilting books may be the next paper product to go the way of the dodo.

  12. KerryCan

    Others here have already said a lot of what I would say. I am not a magazine person anymore and I guess we’ll see more and more magazines folding–times change and they don’t seem relevant anymore, really. I also tend to think that most quilters come to quilting as adults. I didn’t learn to quilt, or sew even, as a child–did you? I *was* exposed to sewing and handwork of a variety of types so I knew they existed. When I was ready for a creative outlet (and had the time and money) and had a desire to make something pretty for my home, I knew that quilting was an option that I was capable of learning.

    1. Melanie McNeil Post author

      My mother was an expert seamstress and could make anything. However she also sewed to feed us, and her time for that was valuable. I did not learn to sew from her, but I appreciate I was exposed to it, nonetheless.

  13. knitnkwilt

    In the 70s when I started quilting, Quilters’ Newsletter was the only periodical and books were few. I appreciated the photographs, the show ‘n tell, the listings of quilt shows to enter or attend. I saved all issues for years until I seriously downsized. Back then even the patterns interested me. I remember theme issues, like many blocks with ships as subject. I even ordered from classified ads–those were the days of templates, and there was an offer of basic sets 1 and 2, squares, rectangles, hexagons, and triangles that fit together, made of metal. I remember articles challenging received notions of appropriate fabrics and others that expanded my horizons.

    I went through a phase of not subscribing to any. Then I decided to try again. I was quite disappointed to find that many magazines were nothing but patterns and advertisements. Even QN deteriorated to that for a while, but then it returned to being a content magazine, and it was the only one I thought worth subscribing to. I too have a couple years in my subscription and I certainly don’t want it to be filled with an inferior magazine. If that is the plan, I will complain. I will seriously miss QN.

    I no longer need patterns nor basic instructions. Blogs entertain me, but they do not expand my horizons in the same way QN did. Of course the more one learns the harder it is to have horizons expanded, but it can still happen. I won’t be rushing out to replace QN.

    1. Melanie McNeil Post author

      QN subscribers will get Quilting Arts to finish their subscriptions. We do have other options now and are fortunate for that, but it sounds from your comment and others that QN was formative for them as quilters. Thanks for chiming in.

  14. Quilt Musings

    I’m sad to hear that Quilter’s Newsletter is ceasing publication. It was a significant part of my early quilt history and one of the few magazines I have ever subscribed to. I haven’t subscribed for years though, both because living overseas it was too expensive to continue, and because like others, I find abundant information and inspiration available online. That’s really what I look for, in general — techniques, ways to solve problems or improve the quality of my quilting, and inspiration. I don’t usually follow patterns, and with most quilts I find it easy enough to see how they were made just by looking. When I did buy quilting magazines, I had fun looking at the studios of famous quilters or getting introduced to quilters whose work I didn’t know, seeing styles that I wanted to try out. I can find all of that online, though it relies on serendipity. Though I like having a physical copy of a magazine i can thumb through, I am not sure what would prompt me to subscribe again (though as you say, it is not reader numbers that are the issue).

    1. Melanie McNeil Post author

      This is probably a key to how many books, magazines, and patterns we buy: “I don’t usually follow patterns, and with most quilts I find it easy enough to see how they were made just by looking.” For those of us who design our own, or modify from traditional patterns, or use other quilts as inspiration, the pattern books and magazines will never be very interesting. OR they will have to be VERY interesting (a unique design that would be harder to do without instruction) to justify the purchase. So pattern magazines will likely continue for quite some time, regardless of what else happens.

  15. zippyquilts

    Quilty ceased publication in the past couple of years, too–don’t recall exactly when. And Quilters Home basically died when Mark Lipinski left it for other ventures. I notice there are some new on-line magazines, and I suspect that’s the wave of the future. I still prefer print, but I’m a fossil

  16. Cindi Lambert

    I have been quilting for more than 40 years and am self-taught. No one in my family ever quilted as far as I can tell. I think I have nearly all of the Quilters Newsletters since the beginning. I’m now wondering what happens to my 3 year subscription I just paid for 6 months ago. I prefer magazines and books in hand to digital and I am less apt to buy a digital magazine or pattern. Probably just my age I suppose. One thing I have noticed in showing quilts, very few are hand quilted anymore. I still hand quilt almost exclusively. I do not have the room or the money for a longarm machine and I’m not terribly impressed with quilting on a home sewing machine. Also probably just my age, but I think it’s a shame that many people who make quilts do not even know how to hand quilt, and they don’t know anyone else who does. Personally I’m an island unto myself also it appears as I do not “know” anyone else who quilts at any level. I belong to several groups on Facebook but that’s it. Nobody I actually know quilts. I also live in a fairly small community of probably 20,000 and we have 2 stores to buy fabric in. Jo-Anns and a local upholstery business that has a small section of “quilting fabric.” When I go into these stores to purchase something, these people don’t know how to quilt either and are not even interested in quilting it seems. That is at least the impression you get when you talk to them. I do hope the craft continues and I am sorry to see any of the print magazines disappear, but I also understand the advertisers position. I probably have enough magazines anyway and God knows I have enough quilting books.

    1. Melanie McNeil Post author

      This is what will happen to current QN subscriptions: “Quilters Newsletter subscribers will receive Quilting Arts magazine beginning with the December/January 2017 issue.” From the While She Naps post linked above.

  17. Sue

    Quilting magazines have fallen victim to modern electronic media in the same way as all printed matter…including correspondence, periodicals and books. I wonder whether future generations will have the same reverence for the physical feel, look and even smell of a pieceof paper in the hand. I have to confess that I buy e-books nowadays…not to the exclusion of physical books, but as an adjunct. As a relative late-comer to this quilting world, I have found everything I needed to know on the internet, and as Kate points out, it is preferable to some of us visual learners to actually see someone in the process of making, to help us understand it. I don’t subscribe to magazines because I don’t read them, and they just pile up in corners of my house. I rarely work from patterns by other people, so no loss to me on that score. Re teaching kids to quilt, as I mentioned yesterday, I have a fantasy about doing that, but have not yet found kids who want to. There does seem to be a resurgence of interest amongst some of the young mothers in my area, and I’ve met a couple who are either teaching their kids to sew, or taking them to a teacher to learn it. My own daughter was just not interested. But neither was my mother. My grandmothers taught me how to sew and they always said “well, I guess it skips a generation”. Maybe that is true, and there will be a lull before the next round of quilters hits their stride.

    1. Melanie McNeil Post author

      If I want a quilting book as a reference (or inspiration) I’d rather have a physical book on my shelf. But for quick look-ups of almost anything, it is easier to look something up on line. Just like with cooking — I still do have a few cookbooks I don’t want to give up. But if I want ideas for how to make something new, like the chutney I made the other day, I’ll look up several recipes online and then either choose one or make my own based on the typical composition. Thanks.

  18. tierneycreates

    I listen to Abby G’s While She Naps podcast too – very excellent and inspiring. Thanks for another great post on The Future of Quilting – I think it remains healthy as a craft and an industry as far as supplies, patterns, classes and fabrics. I think with so much info being accessible online people have moved away from print magazines. Also maybe people don’t want to buy subscriptions anymore? Not sure, I have cut back on magazines but I definitely enjoy an old quilting magazine and a cup on tea in a cozy chair!

    1. Melanie McNeil Post author

      I do love OLD quilting magazines. In 2013 Jim and I went into Alberta to visit Banff NP. We stayed at a B&B where the owner is a quilter. She had magazines from the 70s and early 80s that were fascinating. Anyone who thinks innovation in quilting began recently has no idea what exciting things were happening then.

  19. Lisa Yarost

    I learned to sew from 4H, but when I contacted the organization some years ago about volunteering, they made it clear that they were not interested in sewing or quilting instructors, but rather in financial contributions. Since I had more skills than money, I put my efforts elsewhere.

    1. Melanie McNeil Post author

      I can certainly understand that. I’d be glad to help 4H kids learn to quilt. But operationally how I would do that, I don’t know. I for sure don’t want to be the one to show them how to use their sewing machine.

  20. Victo Dolore

    I learned to quilt from my grandmother. After I won at the county show for 4H, I was hooked. I have not made a quilt in years, no time right now, but I do intend to pick it up again, probably in time to teach a granddaughter or two. 😉

  21. piecefulwendy

    Interesting to read this segment as I am cleaning through my magazines in my quilt room. While online magazines don’t use up shelf space, I still like having a hard copy to work from when making a pattern. On the other hand, if I’m going to buy print, I want it full of information, not ads. As to the demise of quilting, I don’t think it will. I learned to quilt watching my grandmother, mother and others. And so it will likely be for some of our younger generations.

  22. katechiconi

    I used to subscribe to several quilting magazines here in Australia, and buy others on an ad hoc basis, but stopped some time ago. This is for multiple reasons; I don’t want to make the quilt patterns they show, I can’t get to most of the quilt shows they talk about and I find a lot of the regular features are ‘fillers’, repeating information I’d seen before, both in that magazine and elsewhere. Books and magazines, like fabric, are not cheap in Australia, and I’d rather spend my money on books and fabric! If I need to learn a new skill, the internet is a much better resource, since YouTube allows me to see it in real time rather than step by step photos and descriptions. And I feel I learn more from fellow bloggers than I ever did from magazines, in a lively, friendly and supportive environment where information is presented in both serious, information-dense and light-hearted and informal ways.
    I do think getting children involved in quilting is always going to be harder than adults. Their attention span is shorter, they generally want – and have come to expect – easy and instant gratification, and the patience, meticulous attention to detail and repetition involved in quilting do not come easily to them. Unless they are raised in an environment where disciplined sewing activities are part of the norm (in an Amish community, for example), enthusiasm is going to carry them only so far. Give them a love of sewing, and the rest they will manage themselves, or not…

    1. Melanie McNeil Post author

      I’m like you. I’m glad for the magazines I used to get, but they became less and less useful. Now I’d rather spend my money on fabric and books!

      I’m not sure if kids lack the attention span or if their adults do. Either way, the time needed to build skills and confidence is not taken to bring many kids in.

  23. TextileRanger

    I like both periodicals and the internet — magazines introduce me to new ideas and topics I would never have thought about on my own, and whenever I get an idea I want to pursue, I can find materials, tips, and techniques online, I don’t have to wait until a magazine decides to do a story about it. But I am not currently subscribing to any magazines — I still have not followed up on a tenth of the ideas and techniques that were in magazines I got years ago. (I pull out all the articles I like and put them in page protectors, organized by topic in big notebooks so I can find them easily. I have approximately 10 giant notebooks!)

      1. TextileRanger

        I was thinking more about what you said about the advertisers thinking that the internet is the way to go for them. I actually prefer to look at print ads and sometimes even save the ad sections from the back of the magazine where the smaller, niche market companies are listed. Whereas any ad targeted to me on the internet just makes me mad! Like, if I look at fabric on a website, for the next two weeks, the very samples I looked at turn up in the sidebar of my email inbox, and in the middle of articles I am trying to read. It makes me feel nagged at and I am much LESS likely to buy anything from that company!
        It’s probably partly my fault for not turning on all that “browse in private” stuff, but on the other hand, they should know enough not to aggravate their customers. A quilt store wouldn’t call you every day after you came in to see if you wanted to buy more stuff. Print ads seem a lot more informative and a lot less invasive to me.


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